For this course, students were trained in the various methods of cataloging and organizing information and documents. The course presented them with various methods of cataloging and organizing the data from documents presented to students. The Information Analysis and Organization Course was meant to cover the following ALA competencies through lectures, discussions, shorter assignments and large papers:
3A. The principles involved in the organization and representation of recorded knowledge and information.
3B. The developmental, descriptive, and evaluative skills needed to organize recorded knowledge and information resources.
3C. The systems of cataloging, metadata, indexing, and classification standards and methods used to organize recorded knowledge and information.
Exercise Module 3– This exercise was an initial exercise for students of the course, challenging them to refine their searches using their library catalog search systems. It taught students about the tools used to refine searches that are available for helping not get overwhelmed by all the options available.
Description Catalog-This exercise was put to the students so that they could develop an understanding of how to find the data for inputting into a catalog entry.
Nicholas Westbrook A1-This assignment had students looking at the information provided in a scan. The information was then translated into MARC catalog code, as complete as the student could make it.
Nicholas Westbrook A2– Similar to Assignment 1, this assignment had the student looking at a set of information to find the information for a Library of Congress catalog code.
Nicholas_Westbrook_A3– The final class assignment required students to find cataloging numbers in both DDC and LLC.